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  • 品味天然印度老山檀香,20pcs。源自印度老山,香气温和纯正,适合母婴使用。提神醒脑、舒缓情绪,营造宁静和愉悦感。愿您在每一刻享受这份天然香气的陪伴





    Savor the natural Indian Mysore Sandalwood, 20pcs. Sourced from the ancient mountains of India, its fragrance is gentle and pure, making it suitable for both mothers and babies. It refreshes the mind, soothes emotions, and creates a sense of tranquility and joy. May you enjoy the companionship of this natural fragrance in every moment.

    天然印度老山檀香 Evergreen Blessing

    SKU: NO.S28
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